Tuesday, February 17, 2015

March 2015 MFAG Newsletter

MARCH 2015

Wednesday, MAR 4th, Noon
First Presbyterian Church 3940 27 1⁄2 Rd, Grand Junction, CO 
Program: Roz H - Embellishments
Refreshments: Lynn deB, Lynn H. (for Paula O) and Ricki H.

Thursday, MAR 5th, 6:00 pm
Color Creek Fiber Art, 1150 North 25th St Unit B, Grand Junction
Program: Mary W - Twined or Tvaandstickning or Two-ended knitting


For more information about MesaFiberArtsGuild, email info@mesafiberartsguild.org


Rug Hookers: Wed, February 25th at 9:30 a.m. At 2148 Broadway at the Wild Flour Coffee Shop, the Bakery/Coffee Shop next to Garfield’s in the Redlands.

Weavers: Sat, Mar 7th at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Judy Br. Program: Judy Br. TBD

Knitters: Wed, Mar 11th at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Deb R.

Spinners: Wed, Mar 18th at 9:30 a.m. At the First Congregational Church,1425 N 5th St (5th and Kennedy.)

Rug Hookers, March 25th at 9:30 a.m. At 2148 Broadway, at the Wild Flour Coffee Shop, the Bakery/Coffee Shop next to Garfield's in the Redlands.

Guild Gathering Lunch: Thurs, Mar 26th, at 11:30 a.m. Location: THE EGG & I.

Dyers: Meet quarterly at a “hands on” dye workshop in January, April, and October. Time and date TBD by Mary H, owner/proprietor/artist at: Color Creek Fiber Art, 1150 North 25th St Unit B, Grand Junction 81501

by Judy B.

Spring is budding out all over!! What is happening? Trees, shrubs, and crocus apparently have concluded that the 60 degree days mean SPRING is here! Let us hope that frosts to come do not squelch the early fruit (apricots, cherries, etc) harvest.

Meanwhile, it is approaching the time when we need to think about stepping up to the plate when contacted by nominating committee members about serving as officers, newsletter editors, and committee chairs. We did not have a President this year, and it has been challenging for the existing officers to assure none of the Presidential duties have been neglected. There has been an interest in the Presidency for next year,but there are so many capable members with leadership talents, please consider standing for this or the Vice Presidency. If you have not been enamored of some of the meeting programs, if you have some ideas for new and exciting presentations, now is the time to let your nominating committee representative know you are willing to run for Co-Vice President. The Vice Presidents serve as the program committee, and fresh ideas are always welcome. The Vice Presidents also, of course, stand in for the President as needed. Nominating Committee representatives are Deb R., Mary W., Judy Br., and Lynn dB. Let them know of your interest in serving our Guild in one of these capacities. Duties of each position are clearly outlined in the Bylaws. Like the Vice Presidency, a number of the positions may be shared. Our current Secretary and Treasurer are willing to fulfill the duties of their positions for another year, so a big THANK YOU to Nancy B. and Ann K.

We also need new Newsletter Editor(s). The requirements for newsletter editor include having access to a functioning computer, preferably with Windows operating system and Microsoft Word. There are at least 4 prior newsletter editor members available to provide technical support and help you get started. We have found it most helpful if two persons agree to work together on the newsletter, so there is always a back up if you are out of town or (HORRORS!) your computer crashes. We have survived these challenges and others with aplomb over the past several years. It is very satisfying to see the completed issues posted, and each of our groups has someone who regularly sends reports and updates for each issue.

Don’t forget, we will be voting for a Mesa Fiber Arts Guild MEMBER OF THE YEAR soon.
those members who have inspired us over the years, selflessly contributing their talents and energy toward our Guild’s mission and activities. Past honored members are Dean M., Carl H., Gladys M., Donna H., Jude S., Ellen H., and Margaret E. More later about when and to whom to submit your nominations for this award.

Looking forward to our upcoming March programs, and our joint meeting the first Thursday evening in April (there will be no 1st Wednesday day meeting in April) for our Show & Sale.

A gentle reminder: Remember to turn in your items for display in the March – May United Way show to Judy Br. Bring to the Guild meeting, if possible.

Guild Mission Statement
Article II: Purpose

Mesa Fiber Arts Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of fiber arts: weaving, spinning, knitting, surface design, fiber dyeing and related fiber arts. The Guild seeks to advance fiber arts through shows,workshops,study groups,community involvement and a monthly newsletter. As members of the Mesa Fiber Arts Guild we have a responsibility to represent our Guild in the best possible light. Since we are a fiber arts group, it is suggested the whenever possible our members use high quality fibers in their projects when demonstrating to the public and participating in Guild sponsored events.

Group News

Rug HookersThe Hooking & Punch group met at Wild Flour Coffee Shop in the Redlands on January 28th. Eight of us welcomed a new hooker to the group. We discussed making a similar project together over the next year. Those who choose to do so will hook or punch a small selfie of their own design, not to exceed 12” X 12”. The plan is to share the finished projects at the December 2015 meeting. Judy Br shared a copy of her article published in the February-March ATHA publication.

The Hooking & Punch group will meet Wednesday, February 25th at 2148 Broadway, Wild Flour Coffee Shop, from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. We will discuss the selfie project plans, and view the first three segments of Deanne Fitzpatrick’s “Hooking People” dvd. New members are always welcome! Bring along whatever wool project (hooking, punch needle, proddy, applique’, locker hooking, etc) you are working on.

Weavers – The Weavers met Saturday, February 7 at the home of Jayne Scribner. We welcomed Dorothy Hahn, a new member to the group.The program was mainly to answer questions on weaving problems and suggestions, also how to finish a woven garment by knitting and/or crocheting.
The next meeting of the Weavers will be March 7, at the home of Judy Brock. Judy will also provide the program.

Knitters – Knitters met at the home of Mary Jo for a Valentine's Day themed gathering. Ricki H called for hearts to be handmade in a fiber of choice and turned into her by May. She would like hearts to be 5 inches to 12 inches square. We are curious about what she is up toandthemysteryispartofthefun.Knit,crochet,hook, weave,sew,glue,and/orgetbusymakinghearts.We also discussed the nominating of new officers and the future of the Guild.

Spinners - The spinners met at the church and welcomed new member-to-be Regina (Gina) Kelley. We discussed the nominating of new officers and talked spinning and showed our creations.

Dyers – A proposal of a monthly meeting in between the quarterly “hands on dye day” was suggested. If you are interested in sharing and learning more about dying BEFORE we dye again, please contact Lynn H. at lynnhamann@gmail.com or any of the other dyers so we can coordinate. If there is enough interest, we can plan a coffee house meeting or whatever the group decides.

Day Meeting Minutes
February 2015

The meeting was called to order by Judy B, who chaired the meeting. No guests were present this month.

Approval of minutes: Paula O motioned, seconded by Bobbie R to approve the minutes as printed in the February newsletter. Motion carried.

Approval of treasurer’s report: Mary W motioned, seconded by Trulie O to approve the treasurer’s reportas printed in the February newsletter. Motion carried.

Nominations: The nomination committee is Mary W, Deb R, and Judy B. The guild is in need of a president, Ballots for the member of the year will be sent out in March.
Judy B collected many of the pieces for the United Way Art Show starting in March. Please get your items to Judy before that date.

Upcoming Guild Programs: Lynn H will be demonstrating today how to knit or crochet items using t-shirts and Candy T will be demonstrating how to spin using a spindle at the Thursday night’s meeting. Roz H will be demonstrating how to use scraps of material and yarn at the March Wednesday meeting. The April meeting will be a joint meeting held Thursday evening at the Center for Independence. This meeting will be the annual exchange and sale. The May meeting will include the election of officers, challenge presentations, and awards.

Sunshine Fund and Raffle: Nancy G donated a cute knitted hat for the raffle this month which was won by Dean M.

Other announcements: Nancy B indicated the guild’s website needed to be updated for the spinners’ new location and time.

Lynn H is organizing a carpool trip down to Arizona to visit the Indian trading posts to see the Navajo weaving. Anyone interested should contact Lynn.

Refreshments were served followed by Lynn H’s program on knitting and crocheting using t-shirts. Thank you Lynn for a fun demonstration.

Nancy B, Secretary

Evening Meeting Minutes

February 2015

Our meeting was great fun, as always, this month. We were so fortunate to have Candi Tobin come from Glade Park with all her drop spindles and fiber to show us how to spin yarn. We had a lot of laughs at the expense of each others follies, but eventually we were all spinning yarn by the end of the meeting. She was a great teacher and presenter and we thank her very much for her time. Our March meeting will also be held at Color Creek Studio and our presenter will be Mary Weir who will teach us the traditional Scandinavian knitting technique of Twined or Tvaandstickning or Two-ended knitting. You can find examples of this type of weaving at http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter05/FEATwin05TT.html. Bring your knitting needles and yarn to give it a try.Meeting starts promptly at 6PM and ends at 8PM. We meet at Color Creek Fiber Art, 1150 North 25th St Unit B, Grand Junction.

Fiber Events

March 14 and 15 - Navajo Nation Field Trip Lynn H and her husband are offering a field trip
to the Hubbell Trading Post and a one-night stay at the hotel outside Canyon De Chelly, the Sacred Canyon Lodge. A visit to the Cameron Trading Post is also planned.

To see the hotel, click the link below:

To see the Hubbell Trading Post click this link:

To see the Cameron Trading Post click this link:

We will depart early morning Friday, March 13 returning Saturday, March 14 evening.
Lodging is 73.00 + tax for double occupancy rooms.

This is the last day off-season prices apply. Please respond ASAP if you are going, as the rooms are filling up.

Lodging and transportation arranged by Mr. Hamann. Bring your portable projects to work on during the drive. Contact Lynn H at lynnhamann@gmail.com or call. Deadline to sign up is MARCH 1st.

• April 16 - 19 Interweave Yarn Fest in Loveland, CO. Who's going? Should we caravan?
http://www.interweaveyarnfest.com/ehome/index.php? event id=100674&tabid=220706&

• May 1 – June 6 Northern Colorado Weavers Guild invites all fiber artists to participate in our41st annual juried exhibit Fiber Celebration2015. Original pieces representing fiber media of all types are welcome: weaving, spinning,dyeing, basketry, sculpture, felting, quilting,paper making, knitting, crocheting, and embroidery. Juror is internationally known hand weaver, author, and teacher, Susan Wilson.This year’s exhibit will be displayed at the Tointon Gallery in Greeley, Colorado, from May1 – June 6, 2015. For more Information on entering, please check our web site at:

http://www.nocoweaversguild.org/fiber- celebration

• July 23 – 26 Intermountain Weavers' Conference in Durango, Colorado. Registration
begins February 1st.


• Oct 2 - 4 Taos Wool Festival 2015 ~ http://taoswoolfestival.org/
Let's go see Ellen H. while there!
More Fiber Websites

Ennea Collective: an online magazine with beautiful photos and great information


Spinners, Weavers, and Knitters Housecleaning Pages
a free place to find and sell wool stuff... and do good deeds.


A retired teacher in Canada shares her knowledge. Check out this entry for more on twined knitting.


SHARE Your FAVORITE WEBSITES, Books and Media Reviews Here. Send to the newsletter editor at: lynnhamann@gmail.com

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