Tuesday, January 27, 2015

February 2015 Guild Treasurer's Report and Meeting Minutes

Treasurer's Report January 15, 2015
Balance 12/13/15 3249.63
Total Income 140.00
Total Expenses 60.00
Balance 1/15/15 3329.63

January 7, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Paula O, who chaired the meeting.

Mary Jo’s friend, Lavonne, was introduced to the guild members.

Approval of minutes: Dean M motioned, seconded by Judy B to approve the minutes as printed in the January newsletter. Motion carried.

Approval of treasurer’s report: Nancy B motioned, seconded by Lynn H to approve the treasurer’s report as printed in the January newsletter. Motion carried.

United Way Fiber Show: Judy B handed out signup sheets for items to display at this show during the months of March through May. Everyone signing up is asked to indicate when they submit the item whether the item is for sale or not; how it was made (e.g. knitted, spun, woven); name and phone number or email address.

Fiber Show at Church: Mary W indicated the show will be during February. Members who signed up to display items should provide the same information as for the United Way Show and get them to Mary
before February. If you will not be at the meetings or subgroups gatherings, call Mary and she will pick up the item. (Secretary’s note: This show was later cancelled due to construction at the church.)

Other Announcements: Lynn DeB indicated the evening meeting program would be on Navajo Weaving.

Also, the evening group will be moving to a new location in February because the group attendance is increasing.

The April meeting will be a joint meeting and will be held at Mary H’s studio.

Deborah R thanked everyone who donated socks.

Mary Jo announced the Thursday birthday lunch group will start up again this month. The lunch will be at the Garden of Eatin’ at 11:30 am on January 22. Everyone is welcome to join us. Lots of fun! The lunch group tries to get together most months on the fourth Thursday of the month.

Sunshine Fund Raffle: A lovely scarf knitted by Kay G was donated to the raffle this month. The raffle
basket was passed around. Shiloh H won the raffle.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 pm.

Refreshments were served followed by Glenda Moore’s program on braided rugs. Thank you Glenda for a very informative demonstration.

Nancy B, Secretary

Evening Meeting Minutes

January 8th, 2015

Thank you to Carolyn Dorman who gave a fun and informative presentation on Navajo Weaving.

Meeting minutes to follow. Watch for Revision # in the newsletter section of our website.

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