PO BOX 4945, Grand Junction, CO 81501
Website: www.mesafiberartsguild.org
Blog: http://mesafiberarts.blogspot.com/
NOTE: Guild photos are on this MFAG blog.
Wednesday, November 5th, NoonMeets the first Wednesday of month.
First Presbyterian Church
3940 27 ½ Rd, GJ
Program: Judy Br.
All About Plarn
Note: Bring plastic bags and scissors.
Refreshments: Trulie, Nancy G. and Judy Br.
Evening Guild Meeting
Meets the first Thursday of the month.
Thursday, November 6th 2014, 6p
Center for Independence
740 Gunnison, GJ
Program: Jared Lloyd of Sheep Camp Mill
Rug Hookers - Mon, November 17th at 9:30 a.m.
at Main Street Bagels in the “vault” room. NOTE: Main Street Bagels changed their policy and now charge for the use of the vault room ($30) and the conference room ($60). Plan accordingly.
Weavers - Sat, November 1st , 9:30 a.m. at Main Street Bagels. Bobbie R will provide the program.
Knitters – Wed, November 12th at 9:30 a.m. Meet in Fruita at Shiloh H. home. Deb R. co-hosting.
Spinners – Wed, November 19th at 9:30 a.m.
First Congregational Church, 1425 N 5th St. Grand Junction
Dyers – TBD
Hello again, fellow fiber artists! It’s been a gorgeous fall, haven’t the colors been fabulous! Great inspiration for blending yarn, wool, and whatever into something useful and/or simply attractive.
Several of us had a delightful couple of days at the Palisade Quilt & Fiber Arts Festival. Thanks to all
of you who participated: Nancy B. was spinning, Mary Jo crocheting, Bonnie W. and myself were rug hooking, Carol V. demonstrated Navajo weaving and discussed natural dyeing, Rickie H. demonstrated Nuno Felting, while Mary W. and Lynn H. were spinning up a storm. The vendors had some super alpaca and merino yarn, roving, and other goodies. We spoke with individuals who are new to the community, and others who have been here a while but now find they have some time and would like to try some new hobbies. We had lots of questions from attendees, many of whom took information about our Guild and group meetings. I know you will make them welcome when they drop in to our meetings. All in all it was a fun weekend.
By the time you get this newsletter, Lynn d B. will have joined with some of you at the Cross Orchard
Fall On The Farm Day on October 18th. Cross Orchards staff loves to have MFAG members participating in their activities. After all, we are a Fiber Arts Guild, and one of our primary goals is to educate and expand community involvement in and appreciation of the fiber arts. Another aim is to interest young people in crafts and arts that they may never have seen before, and which may disappear forever if steps aren’t taken to preserve the skill and educate regarding why and how our ancestors did them. Your talent and enthusiasm is the attraction. Thank you all for joining in representing MFAG in these events.
Laura Pedge who did our first Guild program of the year on wool appliqué would be willing to offer a class or mini workshop on wool appliqué if there is sufficient interest. I know many of you have
commented on how much you enjoyed her lovely pieces. If you are interested in such a class, please e-mail me and confirm. Then we will open the discussion with Laura as to timing, cost, and location.
Thanks to Paula who did a fun program on felting for the October Wednesday guild meeting. Can’t
you just imagine her slinging that wet wool around the kitchen to felt it? Her wristlets were colorful,
bejeweled and adorable. In keeping with our theme for the year, recycle, repurpose, re-use, November’s 1st bring scissors and a supply of plastic shopping bags to join in the fun. And don’t forget the Challenge for this year. Maybe your project will be one of the winners at the May meeting.
Thanks to all of you who jumped on the bandwagon and paid your dues up front. Dues are what keep us solvent and able to financially support our individual fiber group activities, as well as provide honoraria for our guest presenters. For the number of meetings throughout the year and amount of fun and inspiration we have, $25 is such a bargain!
As you will see in the minutes, the members at the October meeting voted to amend the bylaws as
proposed. Thanks to all who made the time to attend and vote. The greater the participation, the better the Guild is able to meet the needs and interests of its members. Hope to see you all on November 5th.
Judy B
Guild Mission Statement
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of fiber arts: weaving, spinning, knitting, surface design, fiber dyeing and related fiber arts. The Guild seeks to advance fiber arts through shows, workshops, study groups, community involvement and a monthly newsletter.
Rarely Used, Model 1120. Only $69Singer Mechanical Sewing Machine
Contact Lynn H at lynnhamann@gmail.com
Used Schacht 8 Harness Loom was donated to the guild. If you need such a loom, please contact Ann K. OR Judy Br for information.
4 large bags of coned yarn has been donated to the Guild. If you are interested in any of it, be sure to attend the Nov 5th meeting!
Treasurer's Report
OCTOBER 10, 2014
Checking Account Balance 10-12-14 2860.18
Expenses 0.0
Income 212.00
Ending balance 10-10-14 3072.18
OCTOBER 1, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Lynn DeB, who chaired the meeting.
No guests were present.
Approval of minutes: Judy B motioned, seconded by Ricki H to approve the September minutes as
printed in the October newsletter. Motion carried.
Approval of treasurer’s report: Paula O motioned, seconded by Judy B to approve the treasurers’ report as printed in the October newsletter. Motioned carried.
Bylaw changes: The bylaws change to be voted on was presented to the group. All members present
approved the change in the bylaws and also approved a policy for partial year proration for the new members joining midyear as recommended
by the Executive Committee.
Mary W and Deb R agreed to organize a Guild Gallery Show at the First Presbyterian Church.
United Way offices asked the Guild to provide approximately 15 pieces of fiber art to decorate their offices for a 3 month period. Judy B indicated she would be willing to organize the show if the Guild provided the fiber art for March April and May.
Judy B announced the Guild would be demonstrating at the Palisade Quilt and Fiber Festival on Oct 11-12.
To date, no one has volunteered to track the equipment, books, and videos owned by the Guild. Judy B indicated an email would be sent out shortly to everyone asking for information regarding the location of equipment and books.
The monthly raffle was held and a lovely bracelet was won by Mary W.
Meeting Adjourned at 13:30 p.m.
After the meeting, refreshments were served and Paula O demonstrated how to felt cuff bracelets.
Nancy B, Secretary
October 4th 2014
The Evening Meeting group was the guest of Michael and Cindy McDermott at Suncrest Orchards and Alpacas of Palisade, CO. There were 4 guild members, 3 guests, and 3 children
for the tour. The McDermott’s had a one-day old baby alpaca and 2 three-day old babies. They were just precious and fun to watch as they played with each other. You could tell that the kids in the tour really enjoyed petting them.
Michael gives a very interesting presentation while showing his herd, his sheep, and his other animals.
Both Cindy and Michael are so knowledgeable that it is hard to imagine that they were once novices at
this business when they started.
Their mill is quite impressive and the equipment very busily humming. The McDermott’s have to work 60 or more hours a week to get all the fiber processed. It is apparent just how quality conscientious they are processing their customers’ fibers. Some processes are very non-mechanical and others are totally mechanical. For example, the fiber still has to be washed and dried by hand whereas; the plying is much easier being done by machine.
We hope that all of you were able to participate in the Fiber Fest that the McDermott’s organized in
Palisade this weekend. It took them over 7 years to get it to fruition. Our sincere thanks to Michael and
Cindy for giving us a tour of their facility and for organizing the Fiber Fest in Palisade.
Margaret E
Group News
Rug Hookers - Rug hookers met in the morning of September 24th. Judy shared pictures of the Denver ATHA Guild Hook-In. The Hook-In, rug show, classes, and vendors were amazing. We are hoping to take a group over next year. We discussed changing the day of our meetings for November and December so as to avoid the holidays.We will firm up the plans for December at our next meeting. - Judy B.
Weavers – The Weavers met at the home of Sally Breckenridge Saturday, October 4. Sally presented a program to introduce double weave. This could be cloth woven in double width or in double layers. She showed many samples of both types of double weave. The next weavers' meeting will be on November 1, 9:30 a.m. at Main Street Bagels. Bobbie R will provide the program. - Glenda M.
Knitters – Our meeting for October was held at Dean's house with Shirley B co-hosting and 14 members attending. We had a very lively group discussing many topics, from tips on plying 3 strands while spinning to giving Mary Jo tips on what to do with her crocheted vest. Most members had some show and tell, always good to see projects, keep them coming. See you in November. - Kay G.
Spinners - Spinners got together for the first time at our new location and enjoyed it. We discussed what we'd like to do for our workshop. The spinners will meet again on November 19th, the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the First Congregational Church on 5th and Kennedy at the west end of the bldg. - Lynnie H.
Dyers – A new group will begin soon for those interested in dyeing.
Fiber Events
Saturday, Nov 1st, 8a-3p
786 26 ½ Rd. Grand Junction
Over 90 art and craft vendors, cookie harvest, country cafe, WIN $10K Raffle
April 16-19 in Loveland, Colorado.
Knitting. Crochet. Spinning. Weaving.
Immerse yourself in the world of specialty fiber and expand your technical abilities at Interweave Yarn Fest—a celebration of the fiber arts. You’ll enjoy dozens of expert-taught workshops, a bustling marketplace, and the company of other yarn enthusiasts, all surrounded by the beauty of the Rocky Mountains. REGISTER NOW AT: https://www.etouches.com/ereg/newreg.php?eventid=100674&
From the Newsletter Staff:
MANY thanks to all who submitted news and photos
for the newsletter! Individual group reports are in the
newsletter so we can focus on programs and new
business at our meetings.
Please designate specific members of your group to
gather reports and take photos for submission to the
newsletter editor - lynnhamann@gmail.com
The deadline for inclusion in the newsletter is the 3rd Monday of the month prior. We appreciate you emailing the group reports by the monthly deadline. THANK YOU in advance for all your contributions.
Fiber Websites
has a great little cartoon.
Roz H.
supplies for fiber artists.
Lynn H.
a free place to find and sell wool stuff...and do good deeds.
Lynn H.
Project Gutenberg has FREE downloadable books.
Lynn H.
Tierra Wools in Los Ojos, NM, a 100 year old weaving studio.
Lynn H.
The Fine Print...
Newsletter:The Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Newsletter is
published monthly from November through June.
Deadline to submit material is the third Monday of the month prior. Publication of articles and advertisements does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Guild.
Business ads: must be computer ready. Monthly rates
are $5 for up to 5 lines; $10 for 6 lines up to 1/4 page;
$10 for a half page; and $25 for a full page. Payment
must be received before ad will be printed. Send
payment to:
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer
PO Box 4945 GJ, CO 81501
Please indicate that the payment is for a business ad.
Personal ads: are free to members. Cost to non-
members for non-business ads is $5/month.
Membership Dues: Payable in November-$25 for
individuals, $35 per household. Send dues to:
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer PO Box 4945 GJ, CO 81501
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