Tuesday, April 21, 2015

May 2015 Newsletter

Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Calendar

MAY 2015

Monthly Guild Meeting for ALL MEMBERS
Day Meeting: Wednesday,
May 6th, 12:00 Noon
3940 27 ½ Rd in Grand Junction


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Evening Meeting: Thursday,
May 7th , 6:00 pm
740 Gunnison St. in Grand Junction

Upcoming Group Meetings
Dyers: Next meeting is in June at Color Creek.
Rug Hookers: Rug Hooking, punching, etc. group will meet Wednesday, April 22nd at 9:30 AM at Coffee Shop in the Redlands. Call Judy Br if you need directions.
Rug Hooking Punching Proddy Group will be Wednesday, April 22nd, at Monument CoffeeShop next to Garfield’s in the Redlands. We meet from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. New members are always welcome! The coffee and food are tasty!
Weavers: The next meeting for the Weaversgroup is Saturday, May 2nd at the home of Paula O. The program will be given by Ricki H on weaving a three dimensional bowl. All members are welcome.
To carpool, meet at the Albertsons, in the Redlands on Broadway and we'll depart at 9:00 a.m. sharp for Paula's house in Glade Park.
Knitters: Wednesday, May 13th 10:30 at the home of Nancy Bl. All members are welcome. Bring finger food potluck since we'll be there around lunch. Notice the meeting starts at 10:30 am.
To carpool, meet at Doubletree Hotel on Horizon and we'll depart at 9:00 a.m. sharp for Rifle.
Spinners: Wednesday, May 20th 9:30 – 11:30 am at the First Congregational Church on 5th and Kennedy across the street from GJ High School. All members are welcome. Call Lynn H. 462-6641 if you have questions. We will meet through the summer for those who are around.
Rug Hookers: Wednesday, May 27th at 9:30 AM at Monument Coffee Shop in the Redlands next to Garfields. Call Judy Br. if you need directions. New members are always welcome.
Come join us for coffee, goodies, and hookin’! The group will continue to meet during the summer months, for those who are around.

By Judy Br.
Gratitude is not expressed nearly as often as it might be, so this, the last Thrums I will be writing for you (Do I hear “Hallelujah” and “Hurrah” from the stands?) will be devoted to honoring the contributions of officers and members I have had the privilege of serving with this and prior years. First, I want to thank Paula O. for her many years of mentorship, enthusiasm, and positive contributions during the years I have been a Mesa Fiber Arts Guild member. She has repeatedly served in elected positions including Newsletter Editor, Vice-President, Program chair, and Guild E-mail Correspondent to keep us all updated on fiber arts issues and events. She has stepped forward to take responsibility in other leadership roles as well; Challenge chair, County Fair organizer, Program presenter, and countless others. It isclear to me, that the Guild would not be what it is today without her participation and leadership.
Nancy B. is just completing her first term as Guild Secretary, and drives in faithfully from the Rifle area for every meeting and often extra events as well. Her minutes are accurate, and she is amazing at getting them back to us with often less than a 24 hour turn around!! Her thoughtful support and suggestions as to measures that will enhance our Guild are much appreciated as well, to say nothing of her incredible knitting talents. Ann K. is completing her second year as Guild Treasurer. She labored long and hard to deliver a reasonable budget to assure continuation of valued Guild activities. She tracks our membership and finances so very well. Further, she inventoried and appraised numerous (dare I say “Beaucoup”?) donations given to the Guild this past year. She is trustworthy to the nth degree with the Guild’s resources. We are so very fortunate that Ann and Nancy are willing to stand again for election to their current positions!

Lynn H. has been our capable newsletter editor now, for at least two years. And if that weren’t enough, she also took the initiative to develop the first MFAG blog spot, which features many of our guild member photos that can’t be squeezed into the newsletter. Then, she and hubby also arranged and guided the recent Hubbell Trading Post tour, which was highlighted on the Spin-Off blog. She has some super ideas for increasing Guild membership, and is willing to serve as our Membership Chair next year. In addition to these fine ladies, the MFAG Board was capably assisted also this year by two members of the Thursday evening group, Lynn dB. and Mary W., both of whom also served with Deb. R on the nominating committee for new officers. And Margaret E., last year’s Member of the Year, continued to assure that MFAG meetings and events were advertized in the local news outlets.

As if these dedicated examples of service and leadership weren’t enough, we have Delores S. who has quietly and effectively maintained our schedule of hostesses and supplies for all the Wednesday meetings, and written our annual summary of Guild events for the last few years. Also Mary Jo who has single-handedly kept the Membership committee records current. Then there is Nancy G., who has faithfully seen to the Raffles and “Sunshine” responsibilities for a number of years. Some of you have fulfilled coordinator roles for our individual fiber interest groups, taught or presented programs, demonstrated your fiber skills at community events, created lovely fiber pieces for raffles, and offered space for meetings. And I am sure there are other members who continue to serve behind the scenes in ways that I have neglected to mention but are just as valuable in keeping our association vibrant and growing. Thanks too to those who are willing to stand for election for the upcoming year. All of your contributions are vital to fiber arts in general and essential to the Guild in particular. It is an honor to have served with you!

Hope you are all planning to come to the May meeting and potluck, where we will elect a new board, announce our Member of the Year, and judge our Recycle/Repurpose/Reuse/Stash Buster creations!

Judy Br

The slate of officers for next year is:
President - Jared L
Vice President - Ricki H and LaVonne H
Secretary - Nancy B.
Treasurer - Ann K.
Newsletter Editor - Margaret E
Please send your vote to Mary W via email or a phone call. Mary's contact information is in your membership list. Your options for voting are:
  • I vote for the whole slate
  • I vote for [names and positions]
  • I am writing in [ name ] for [ position ]
Thanks for your participation in the election of officers.
In addition, we are happy to announced that Lynn H has volunteered to serve as Membership Committee Chair and that Mary Jo N has agreed to help her. Dolores S continues to manage the food selections at meetings, and Nancy G continues to look after the Sunshine and Showers fund. And Mary W and Lynn de B continue to lead the evening group.

Thank you all for your generosity with your time and talents!
Your current Board
Guild Mission Statement
Article II: Purpose
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of fiber arts: weaving, spinning,knitting, surface design, fiber dyeing and related fiber arts. The Guild seeks to advance fiber arts through shows,workshops, study groups, community involvement and a monthly newsletter. As members of the Mesa Fiber Arts Guild we have a responsibility to represent our Guild in the best possible light. Since we are a fiber arts group, it is suggested the whenever possible our members use high quality fibers in their projects when demonstrating to the public and participating in Guild sponsored events.

Treasurer's Report
April 16, 2015
Balance 3307.13
Membership 92.50
Sunshine! 14.00
Yarn/fiber sale 35.40
Honorarium 0.00
Newsletter 88.11
BALANCE 4/16/15 3360.92

Something NEW for YOU!
In the May MFAG Newsletter, you will notice a new ad from our Guild member, TANGLE. Tangle has been a Guild member for the last few years, and will now inform us in our newsletter of any upcoming events and new products for our information. The benefit to the membership is a 10 percent discount when you present your MFAG name tag at the time of purchase. If you haven’t been in lately, go in to see their always fabulous yarn selection, and the latest in tools, supplies, colorful wools and other fabrics to feed your fiber addictions. Don’t forget to check out upcoming class selections for summer!
MFAG Meeting Minutes
April 2015
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Combined Evening/Day Meeting
April 2, 2015

The meeting was called to order by Paula O, who chaired the meeting.

Guests this month, Francesca, Amy, and Cayenna were introduced.Welcome ladies!

Approval of minutes: Judy B motioned, seconded by Dean M to approve the minutes as printed in the April newsletter. Motion Carried.

Approval of treasurer’s report: Lynn deB motioned, seconded by Ricki H to approve the treasurer’s report as printed in the April newsletter. Motion Carried.

Paula O brought to the members’ attention a donation to the Guild by Anne Pelizzarri, who passed away a few months ago. Anne was 98 years old and was still knitting infant sets and booties for St. Mary’s Hospital. She donated all of her needles and yarn to the Guild.

Sunshine Fund: Trulie O donated a lovely pair of alpaca/silk fingerless mitts for the raffle, which was won by Francesca. Thank you Trulie.

Other Announcements: The dyers group reported that they practiced removing dye from various fabrics and fibers at their dye gathering March 21.

Judy B reported on the United Way Art Show thanking everyone who submitted items for the show. Pictures of the display are in the April newsletter.

Glenda M, who gave a presentation earlier this year on rug braiding, donated her left over wool to the Guild.

Nominating Committee Report: The members running for office for the 2015-2016 year are
Jarod L – president, CoVP – Ricki H and LaVonne H, Nancy B - secretary, Ann K – treasurer, Newsletter – Margaret E, Membership Committee – Lynn H and Mary Jo N, Evening Group Leaders – Lynn deB and Mary W

We Vote For New Officers In May
(Please vote by the 11th, at 5 pm).

Nominations for Member of the Year: Please submit your nominees for member of the year by April 10 via email or phone to Dean M. Dean will announce the final list of candidates on April 11. Members will vote by email or phone to Dean by April 25. Dean will announce the Member of the Year at the May 6 Guild Meeting.

Upcoming Demonstrations:
Family History Fair at the LDS Church, Orchard Ave and Melody Lane, April 25 from 8:00 to 3:00. Anyone interested in demonstrating, contact Deb R.

Cross Orchards Heritage Farm Days, June 6th at Cross Orchards Farm. Anyone interested in demonstrating should contact Dean M.
Upcoming Fiber Events:

April 16-19 – Interweave Yarn Fest in Loveland, CO

May 1-June 6 Northern Colorado Weavers Guild invite all fiber artists to participate in their 41st annual juried exhibit Fiber Celebration 2015. Original pieces representing fiber media.

June 6-7 Fiber Arts Festival at El Rancho de las Golondrinas in Santa Fe

July 23-26 Intermountain Weavers’ Conference in Durango, Colorado - registration began February 1

Meeting adjourned 6:30 pm

The evening program was a rug show by the Guilds’ talented weavers. Thank you for showing us your works of art. Absolutely beautiful!

Nancy B, Secretary

Group News
The April Knitters Meeting held at Dolores S. home on Weds the 8th was attended by 14 members.
Our May meeting time has been changed to 10:30 A.M. due to travel time to Nancy B. home in Rifle. If you want to car pool, meet at Double Tree on Horizon in the So end of the parking lot at 8:45 A.M., we will be leaving sharply at 9:00 A.M. Included in the May meeting message will be the announcement of the time change and location of carpooling. It was also decided to have a potluck of finger food seeing as how it will be closer to lunch.
Very enjoyable time by all, don't forget to make that heart or rose for Ricki's project.
Kay G.

Spinners met at the Congregational Church. New members are always welcome. Some members join us even if they don't spin. Contact Lynn H for directions at 462-6641. 12 people attended on April 15th, including 1 crocheter and a couple of spinners who opted to knit that day. We have a talented group with lots of stories and plenty of talent. We enjoyed seeing how much Lynn deB improved her spinning and watched her spin silk. Very impressive. We miss you Jean Mc. Hope your substitute teaching job is over soon so you can return to spin group. We will continue to meet through the summer for those who are around.
Lynn H.

Rug Hookers News
The Rug Hookers group met March 25th at Monument Coffee Shop. It was a fun “hook in” with members working away on various individual projects. One member asked for opinions on how to improve an owl she was hooking. The suggestions were most helpful, and she finished it up in short order with delightful results. Judy has started on the “selfie” project, but has far to go in learning how to hook portraits without it looking like the person has been in a fight, sustaining black eyes. Or perhaps, raccoon eyes might be a better description. Bonnie’s lovely red flower pillow looks just magnificent. She is ready to attach it to the backing. New members are encouraged to join us!
Judy Br

Weavers – The meeting at Shari Raso's was attended by about 20 people. Sally B. gave an impressive presentation on Echo Weave and showed some of her work. Thank you Sally. Glenda announced she will not be the coordinator for the weavers group next season. The new coordinator is TBD.

The next meeting of the weavers is Saturday, May2, 9:30 a.m. at Paula O'Donnell's in Glade Park. We'll meet at Albertsons at 9:00 a.m. on the Redlands to carpool to Paula's. Lynn deB. and Judy Br. will bring refreshments. Ricki H. will provide a program on weaving a three-dimensional bowl. The method is from Susan Barrett Merrill's book, Zeti, Weaving a Life.

ALL photos are posted in glorious color on the
Mesa Fiber Arts Blog at
The blog belongs to the Guild. All members may post fiber related photos, articles and/or information. Contact Lynnhamann@gmail.com for password and info.

The Fine Print...

Newsletter:The Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Newsletter is
published monthly from February through June.
Deadline to submit material is the third Monday of the month prior. Publication of articles and advertisements does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Guild.
Business ads: must be computer ready. Monthly rates 
are $5 for up to 5 lines; $10 for 6 lines up to 1/4 page;
$10 for a half page; and $25 for a full page. Payment
must be received before ad will be printed. Send
payment to:
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer
PO Box 4945 GJ, CO 81501
Please indicate that the payment is for a business ad.
Personal ads: are free to members. Cost to non-
members for non-business ads is $5/month.
Membership Dues: Payable in September-$25 for
individuals, $35 per household. Send dues to:
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer
PO Box 4945, GJ, CO 81501

From the Newsletter Staff:
MANY thanks to all who submitted news and photos
for the newsletter! Individual group reports are in the
newsletter so we can focus on programs and new
business at our meetings.
Please designate specific members of your group to
gather reports and take photos for submission to the
newsletter editor - lynnhamann@gmail.com
The deadline for inclusion in the newsletter is the 3rd Monday of the month prior. We appreciate you emailing the group reports by the monthly deadline. THANK YOU in advance for all your contributions.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Our Thursday night annual joint meeting was great fun. We had a Swap and Sale and anything went. Here are some photos of the rug show and some of the items that were up for grabs.