Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Newsletter


Check out the Mesa Fiber Arts Blog. All MFAG members were sent an email on Aug 19th inviting them to join the member's only private blog.

First Wednesday Day Meeting
Wednesday, September 3rd Noon

First Presbyterian Church, 3940 27 ½ Rd Grand Junction, CO

Program: Laura Pedge – Felted Wool Designs

Refreshments: Executive Board


First Thursday Evening Meeting
Thursday, September 4, 2014
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Color Creek Fiber Art

  • 1150 N. 25th St, Grand Junction, CO

  • September 4th, 2014 will be held at the studio of Mary Hertert, Color Creek Fiber Art, 1150 North 25th St. Unit B Grand Junction, CO 81501,, (970) 778-5985. Come explore her studio and its equipment with our members.
    For more information about the Mesa Fiber Arts Guild email


Guild Gathering Lunch: Thursday, Aug. 28th at 11:30 a.m. at:  
Spoons Bistro and Bakery 
3090 N 12th St. Grand Junction, CO in the Fairmount Health Park 
(lower level of the HopeWest Hospice Care Center)

Weavers: Sat, September 6th at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Shari R.

Meets the first Saturday of month.

Knitters: Wed, September 10th at 9:30 a.m. At the home of to be decided (TBD).

Meets the second Wednesday of month.

Spinners: Wed, September 17th at 9:30 a.m.

Location: The Egg & I (last time). After Sept 17th, the spinners will meet at the First Congregational Church from now on. Meets the third Wednesday of the month.

Meets the third Wednesday of the month.

Rug Hookers: Wed, September 24th at 9:30 a.m. At the home of to be decided (TBD)

Meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Guild Gathering Lunch: Thurs. Sept 25th, at 11:30 a.m. Location TBD. Meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m.

Dyers: New group - September meeting time and place to be decided (TBD)

by Judy Br.

Welcome back!! I am looking forward to seeing all of your cheerful faces again. The inspiration that comes as a result of our fellowship at meetings is why we enthusiastically rejoin the Guild each year. Which reminds me, it is time to ante up our dues again in September ($25 per individual & $35 per family). All of you will, I’m sure, want to weigh in on proposed bylaws changes and decisions to guide the Guild through your votes at our meetings, as well as to enjoy the programs, presentations, and workshops. Paid up or current members have the privilege and responsibility to participate and vote as issues about our direction and future activities arise.
As the Guild does not have an elected President this year, some of your Executive Committee members will be writing Thrums for the newsletters and taking turns chairing the Guild meetings. We invite “guest thrummers” to also participate. So if you have a fiber arts idea or inspiration you would like to share, please contact the editor or any officer and let them know the topic and when you would like to submit the “thrums” for our newsletter. We have many talented fiber artists, and this forum is open to all. The deadline for newsletter news and articles is the THIRD MONDAY of each month.
The Program Committee has planned an exciting year of activities and programs this year on the topic Reusing, Recycling, Repurposing, and Busting Your (Fiber) Stash . The first Wednesday of September, Laura Pedge will be presenting her felted wool designs, while incorporating our theme for the year in her presentation. And wait till you hear about the fun challenge activity for this year! I won’t spoil the surprise; you’ll have to come to the meeting to learn all about it.
The Executive Committee, recognizing that attendance and membership ebbed a bit last year, has made a decision to limit the number of business meetings, while keeping the number of programs, raffles, Show & Tell, and exchange activities the same. The Thursday evening meeting will continue to be an alternative for those who find it difficult to attend day time meetings of the Guild. (See the Calendar for the dates/times/locations). We have also created a membership ad hoc committee to greet attendees at meetings and follow up on member and visitor questions. If you have some membership enhancing ideas and would like to join this committee, please contact one of the officers.
Even more fiber fun is in store this year. There is a Palisade Quilt & Fiber Arts Festival scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and 12. (There is no longer a fiber festival associated with the Peach Festival – it seemed too hot for both people AND animals in August.) In keeping with our mission to promote the fiber arts, our Guild will want to be visible, demonstrating all the many fiber skills and talents manifest in our membership. Don’t forget to reserve the dates on your calendars.
Judy Br

Guild Mission Statement
Mesa Fiber Arts Guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of fiber arts: weaving, spinning, knitting, surface design, fiber dyeing and related fiber arts. The Guild seeks to advance fiber arts through shows, workshops, study groups, community involvement and a monthly newsletter.

Treasurer's Report
August 17, 2014

Checking Account Balance 6-10-14 2622.79

Expenses 60.54

Income 0.00

Ending balance 8-17-14 2562.25

Donna H. and Anita L. will host a
Fiber Arts Yard Sale on
Friday, September 12th
8:00 AM
2814 Grand View Drive.
There will be spinning Wool and yarn.
Books, small loom and fabric.
No early birds please.
Guild and Group News

The Mesa County Fair
by Margaret E.

This is the first year that I attended the Mesa County Fair. In past years I wasn't sure I could handle the heat, the walking, or the crowds. I'm so glad I moved past those concerns and attended this year.

I had a meaningful time that day. It was not all that hot, I didn't have to walk all that far, and there weren't crowds. Instead, there were helpful fair volunteers; young kids fascinated by the colorful yarns, machinery; and our giving, gracious, and dedicated guild members demonstrating their crafts. I wondered if I really wanted to bring all my tools for spinning and knitting, but they were all sought out and explained to the folks walking by.

We had stiff competition from the draw of the woodcarvers on one side of us and the noxious weed display across from us. I thought for awhile that we were going to have to duke it out with those customer thieves. And, lo and behold, we had not one, but TWO guild members who are in the Woodcarvers group. One of them came over when I was busy and showed a guest how to use the knitting board. Is that not the coolest thing ever?

Our thanks go out to Jude S., Judy Br., Glenda M., Deb R., Nancy J., Dean M., Lynn H., Mary W., (and anyone I might have rudely forgotten) for spending their whole day at the fair representing the guild, but more than that, because they changed the life of at least one person and child that day even if they don't know it. Also, I must mention that Glenda M. won THREE prizes at the fair but I don't have pics of them.
Kudos!!! Our MFAG member Glenda M entered 3 pieces in the Mesa County Fair and won ribbons on all three. What a great example! Let's see if more of our members can enter our fiber pieces next year, and let them know we are members of this most talented fiber arts guild!

We've Got You Covered
from Paula O.

A charity to consider is for your charity knitting. Veterans need knits too.
We've Got You Covered is a group knitting for hospitalized veterans - hats, afghans, pillows for thoracic surgery patients, stump covers for amputees.

Here's the very simple hat I made in the car yesterday, on the way home from Denver. Made from weaving thrums and leftover tag ends of knitting yarn. I'll donate it to the cause if I can pry it out of Terry's hands!

Group News

Rug Hookers - The zany group of rug hookers has continued to meet at Main Street Bagels on 4th Wednesday mornings this summer. Members are working on or have completed some splendid hooked and punched pieces. The new challenge for this summer was to learn how to do what the Brits call proddy. We each had the opportunity to make at least one "designer blossom", some of which have shown up on our summer straw bonnets.

Weavers – The Navajo weavers group didn't meet much last year and is considered part of the weavers group from now on. This is subject to change should there be more interest in Navajo weaving in the future.

Knitters – The chatty and talented knitters and Crocheters continued to meet during the summer at various places. Thank you (and you know who you are) for opening your homes to your fellow fiber artists. Most recently, we met at Main Street Bagels. Many baby items for “Shirley's babies” were made and sweaters, hats, cowls, socks and baby clothes were knitted over the summer. One knitter has a “hopeful” chest for grandchildren of the future!

Spinners - The spinners continued meeting

over the summer,occasionally. August's meeting at The Egg & I Restaurant, our usual place, may be the last time we meet there. More news on this as it develops.

Dyers – A new group will begin with the new season for those interested in dying.

Fiber Events
  • October 4th and 5th - Taos Wool Festival 2014

    The Fine Print...
    Newsletter:The Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Newsletter is
    published monthly from September through June.
    Deadline to submit material is the third Monday of the month prior. Publication of articles and advertisements does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Guild.
    Business ads: must be computer ready. Monthly rates
    are $5 for up to 5 lines; $10 for 6 lines up to 1/4 page;
    $10 for a half page; and $25 for a full page. Payment
    must be received before ad will be printed. Send
    payment to:
    Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer
    PO Box 4945 GJ, CO 81501
    Please indicate that the payment is for a business ad.
    Personal ads: are free to members. Cost to non-
    members for non-business ads is $5/month.
    Membership Dues: Payable in September-$25 for
    individuals, $35 per household. Send dues to:
    Mesa Fiber Arts Guild Treasurer
    PO Box 4945 GJ, CO 81501

    From the Newsletter Staff:
    MANY thanks to all who submitted news and photos
    for the newsletter! Individual group reports are in the
    newsletter so we can focus on programs and new
    business at our meetings.
    Please designate specific members of your group to
    gather reports and take photos for submission to the
    newsletter editor -
    The deadline for inclusion in the newsletter is the 3rd Monday of the month prior. We appreciate you emailing the group reports by the monthly deadline. THANK YOU in advance for all your contributions.



Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Thursday Lunch Group for August 2014

Please join the fiber artists of the Mesa Fiber Arts Guild for lunch.
Where:  Spoons Bistro & Bakery 3090 N 12th St. in Grand Junction                                (lower level of the HopeWest Hospice Care Center).

When: 11:30 a.m., Thursday, August 28th.

Why: Celebrating birthdays for July and August.  MaryJo N and Lynn DeB are recent birthday girls. There are others too, who might be shy about sharing their special day.

Get to Spoons early because this restaurant is usually packed at lunch and dinner due to its delicious fresh food.  Help HopeWest Hospice and eat locally grown fresh food with your fun fiber art friends.

How we started this tradition: First we met to celebrate a 60th birthday in December. In January we met again and celebrated another 60th birthday.  In February we met again and celebrated yet another 60th birthday! Every month, someone has a birthday, even if it's not their 60th. We like to celebrate by gathering for lunch.

We meet on the 4th Thursday every month at a different restaurant in town, with the next month's location decided on at the current lunch.  Please join us.